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How does Covid19 test your organisational resilience?

How Covid19 makes impacts on leadership,organisational genes & decision-making

in for-profit & non-profit organisations in Vietnam 

Organizational resilience during COVID-19 is the ability of an entire organization to recover from the pandemic's impact and emerge stronger, whether compared to pre-COVID or post-COVID conditions.

While everyone talks about organizational resilience, its true meaning and how to achieve it remain unclear for many leaders, stakeholders, and decision-makers., in collaboration with RespectVN, a local manpower and organizational development initiative, has developed a framework of four organizational profiles during COVID-19:

  1. Fear Zones

  2. Learning Zones

  3. Resilient Zones

  4. Value-aligned Zones

We discovered that these four zones can be represented by at least four models, which can be creatively illustrated in comics for easy recognition and comparison.

This framework is based on in-depth conversations with 200 respondents from 50 for-profit and non-profit organizations across Vietnam. On average, four individuals holding different positions in each organization participated in 2 to 5 engagement sessions with us, including concept clarity interviews, key document reviews, perception gap reviews, and statement verifications.





  • What is organisational resilience? 

  • 04 typical organisational zones in Covid19

  • "Hot above- cold below" organisations in their Fear zones

  • "Open or close" organisations in their Learning zones

  • "In-sync" organisations in their Resilient zones

  • "People-centric" organisations in their Value-aligned zones

  • 04 key take-away messages for resilient leaders to make resilient organisations in Covid19

How does Covid19 test your organisationa

Aligning minds at work

1. Fear Zone
  • Organisations in their Fear Zones are led by leaders in fear, driven by fears & fear-based decisions

2. Learning Zone
  • Organisations in their Learning    Zones are led by learning leaders with steep learning curves

3. Resilient Zone
  • Organisations in their Resilient Zones led by resilient leaders, doers & teams & their Goal consensus on Org Model Canvas

  • Organisations in their Value-Aligned Zones trade off short-term benefits for long-term values aligned with people's values


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