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How does Covid19 test your organisational resilience?

How Covid19 makes impacts on leadership,organisational genes & decision-making

in for-profit & non-profit organisations in Vietnam 

Organisational resilience in Covid19 is the ability of the whole organisation to bounce back from Covid19 - affected status quo into the better shape pre - Covid or post - Covid.

Everyone talks about organisational resilience. However, what it really is & how to achieve it are still in question for many leaders, stakeholders, decision makers & decision takers. in collaboration with RespectVN, a local manpower & organisational development initiative, developed a framework of four organisational profiles during Covid19. 


They are organisations in their (i) Fear Zones; (ii) Learning Zones; (iii) Resilient Zones; and (iv) Value-aligned Zones. 


We found out that the four zones can be featured by at least four models that can be named & captured in creative comics for easy recognition & comparison.


This work is complete based on in-depth & multiple conversations with 200 respondents from 50 for-profit & non-profit organisations across Vietnam. On average 4 individuals holding different positions in an organisation participated from 2 to 5 times of engagement (concept clarity interview, key document review, perception gap review, statement verification) with us.        





  • What is organisational resilience? 

  • 04 typical organisational zones in Covid19

  • "Hot above- cold below" organisations in their Fear zones

  • "Open or close" organisations in their Learning zones

  • "In-sync" organisations in their Resilient zones

  • "People-centric" organisations in their Value-aligned zones

  • 04 key take-away messages for resilient leaders to make resilient organisations in Covid19

How does Covid19 test your organisationa

Aligning minds at work

1. Fear Zone
  • Organisations in their Fear Zones are led by leaders in fear, driven by fears & fear-based decisions

2. Learning Zone
  • Organisations in their Learning    Zones are led by learning leaders with steep learning curves

3. Resilient Zone
  • Organisations in their Resilient Zones led by resilient leaders, doers & teams & their Goal consensus on Org Model Canvas

  • Organisations in their Value-Aligned Zones trade off short-term benefits for long-term values aligned with people's values


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