Who we support
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We support professionals who seek exclusive ground-breaking tools & knowhow that make them stand their strong ground at work

We support professional teams who want to make high impacts & drive decisions as aligned teams of game-changers

We support organizations formed by resilient & high performing thinkers & doers who aim to achieve any goals they set together
Why we do what we do
"There is no great organization. There are only great people with aligned minds & goals who make great organizations"

Ha Dang, Founder of Weatwork.co

"No team or organization can overachieve
& stay unique if their members barely say WE"
Johan Carl Lindholm, Interim CEO of Weatwork.co
Who are our partners?

Heads of Back - end
Depts, Honda Vietnam
Thanks to Weatwork.co, we gained a deeper understanding and practiced our strategic thinking using the Business Model Canvas. Although it was a familiar concept, it still felt new to us. It was voted the best among all the strategic thinking and decision-making tools we learned during the three-day workshop.

Heads of 12 departments, BWP Sonasea Phu Quoc Hotels & Resorts
For the first time, all 12 departments have worked together as a unified team, rather than as individuals, unlike during the past year of COVID-19.
We had never sat down to write about our Hotel Business Model Canvas or learned from other departments' perspectives. While working on our own front-end departmental OKRs using the BMC, we realized the importance of closely collaborating with the back-end departments to achieve our goals.

General Director
T&T Hospitality
T&T Group
When creating business plans, we often focus on WHAT to do, rather than WHY we do it. One Page 4 Change has transformed our approach to strategic planning, especially in how we reach consensus and move forward quickly with our business plans amidst the uncertainty and crisis of COVID-19.

Top Leaders, Thanh Cong Group
We successfully recruited one of the top minds in the hospitality industry using One Page Of Change (OPC), despite the abundance of available talent. After a month of working on hospitality business plans with OPC during COVID-19, we realized that no other tool is as simple and comprehensive. We have now decided to implement OPC across all our properties, transforming the working mindsets of our entire workforce at the highest pace of progress and the lowest cost of disagreement.