Stand your Ground
Leverage team wisdom
Lead along the curve
Explore Your Learning Curves via Discussions on your statements online
Explore Your Learning Curves via Discussions on your statements offline
Understand WE@WORK - High-performers Concepts
Understand The learning curves & their effects
Understand WE@WORK Learning Philosophy
Activity: Design High-Performer Traits & your own Learning Curves
Leveraging Team Wisdom
What is Team Wisdom?
Why do we Team Wisdom?
How to Leverage Team Wisdom?
Activity: Design "Leveraging Team Wisdom" strategy plan
Leading along the Curve
Explore Organisational Learning Curve
Explore the relationship between your own curve & organisational curve
Explore key elements to align your curves, team curves (wisdom) with organisational curves
Activity: Design "Leading Along the Curve" strategy plan to address gaps or tensions in your organisational culture and get higher performance
Wrap-up to Kick-start your own Curves
Prepare Post-W2HP assignment (individual & teamwork)
Set norms to comply with the "Post-WEATWORK High-performers Challenge" within 01-03 months after the course
Build a monitoring taskforce to oversee the compliance with the Challenge
Get certificates upon the completion of the Challenges